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Alessandro Montedoro
Curative cuisine
Cure yourself with food? Certainly yes!A book full of information about foods and their healing properties, with a section dedicated to recipes.
My name is Alessandro Montedoro, I am an Executive Chef, not a healer. I cannot make miracles, but for the past few years I have stopped using medicine, or at least I try avoiding it as much as possible.
How? Easy, I solve all my problems by eating. It works, I guarantee that it!
Click here for Italian version (book and eBook) - Clicca qui per la versione italiana (libro ed eBook)
Prezzo: 0,00
Prezzo ebook: 6,99
ISBN: 978-88-6358-200-0
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Genere: Cucina

ultime Novità
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- Tamagnini Gaia
- Tamborini Paolo
- Tartari Elisabetta
- Taryan
- Tavormina Vincenzo
- Tesi Andrea
- Tiezzi Valerio
- Tino Giorgio
- Toccafondi Andrea H.
- Todaro Maria
- Tonietti Zelia
- Tortora Claudio
- Toscano Francesco
- Toscano Vincenzo
- Totaro Raffaele
- Trastulla Marina
- Trenta Lidia
- Trombino Marco
- Trova Claudio
- Tufaro Francesco
- Tugnoli Valeria
- Turci Stefano
- Tv Italia Cult