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Ivan Masarin
The imperial legate
In 2754 the Galactic Empire extends among the stars, dominating thousands of planets.Nothing could resist the expansion of the human race, that submitted every new alien race met in the galaxy with the military force of its space Legions.
But a simple request for help sent by a frontier outpost hides a terrible threat: the invasion by an alien, unknown enemy. A new, strong race suddenly upsets the same Empire foundations by a massive attack.
Just when the situation seems desperate, Caio Aureliano Veridio, Legate of 83th Legion and Commander of Ares Star Base, decides to risk everything for a chance: he engages the enemy by launching an attack to the same aliens’ heart.
The survival of Earth’s Empire is now in one man’s sword: the Imperial Legate.
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Prezzo: 0,00
Prezzo ebook: 2,99
ISBN: 978-88-6358-300-7
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Genere: Fantascienza, Fantasy e Horror

ultime Novità
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- Baglini Lapo
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- Balducci L.A.P.
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