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Giandomenico Semeraro
Florence. The rooms of art from Masaccio to the Macchiaioli
Historical Markers of Artists’ Studios and Houses along the Streets.An assay about those places where works of art took on a material consistency and where artists physically lived.
Now that we have established that paintings were not created for museums, and that they were painted by people of flesh and blood, it would be interesting, in my opinion, to go further ahead in order to direct our attention to the workshops and/or homes of artists, those places where works of art took on a material consistency and where artists physically lived.
In short, we are talking about unusual evidence that is nevertheless very effective because of its immediacy and the accuracy of its position in the space-time grid.
I am referring to that which is visible as we walk down streets, the plaques that are on the walls near the main doors of buildings.
Giandomenico Semeraro (Florence, 1959). Chair of Contemporary Art History, Academy of Fine Arts, Florence.
Studioso dei rapporti fra arte e società, Giandomenico Semeraro è autore di numerosi saggi sull'arte moderna e contemporanea, e docente di Storia dell'Arte presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze.
Prezzo: 12,00
ISBN: 978-88-6358-296-3
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
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- Pacchiotti Gian Luca
- Pacino Marco
- Paganotti Claudio
- Pagetti Roberto
- Pallottino Paolo
- Palmiotto Giuseppe
- Palumbo Stefano
- Pani Giuseppe
- Panzeri Lisa
- Paolinelli Alessandro
- Paracchini Marco
- Parisi Nicola
- Parodi Lucio
- Pasino Adriana
- Pasqui Carlo
- Paternostro Luigi
- Pelliccio Ciro
- Pepa Luciano
- Perale Vania
- Perasso Nicola
- Persiani Claudio
- Pesaresi Roberto
- Piacentini Patrizia
- Piazza Alberto
- Piccinni Maria Rosaria
- Pieralisi Luca
- Pieri Giovanni
- Piermarini Carla
- Pieroni Mauro
- Piersante Piero
- Pierucci Daniele
- Pignattone Devid
- Pigni Emanuele
- Pinna Antonio
- Pioppo Roberto
- Piras Ulisse
- Pitasi Andrea
- Pitorri Flavia
- Pitorri Franco
- Pizzari Elisabetta
- Pizziolo Giovanna
- Podda Angelo
- Poggiolini Danilo
- Poliso Rosario
- Pompei Annalisa
- Pompignoli Daniele
- Porta Marco
- Prampolini Riccardo
- Presenti Francesco
- Previdi Gianni
- Primozic Nicole
- Privitera Mario
- Procacci Raffaele
- Pugliese Orazio
- Pulimanti Alba